Friday, December 31, 2010


1 My Redeemer Lives
Incredible video about the relationship between a father and son....and God's relationship with us.
2 Flash Mob Sings Hallelujah Chorus in Food Court
At noon on November 13, 2010 unsuspecting shoppers got a surprise while enjoying their lunch. A flash mob singing the Hallelujah Chorus!
3 The Story of Jonah as Told by the Cutest Little Girl
This delightful little girl will bring a smile to your face as she tells the most enchanting, fascinating and educational story of Jonah ever told!
4 Revelation Song
Kari Jobe performing Revelation Song
5 Amazing Prayer from a Little Girl
Adorable little Hannah lifts up an anointed prayer that is sure to inspire.
6 Dog Saying Grace
This dog is named Djaingo. He is saying his morning prayers before breakfast.
7 Dad Life
Hysterical tribute to Dads!
8 Never Give Up in Life!
An incredibly inspiring video about the love of a Father and the pain of a son.
9 Before I Eat
Beloved Christian Comedian Anita Renfroe parodies Carrie Underwood's video for those who may need to reconsider that next trip to the fridge.
10 Lifehouse Everything Drama
This shows us that no matter what we go through HE is ALWAYS there for us! A very powerful video! I LOVE IT!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Isis, Horus and the Madonna

November 3, 2010 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,

The following is from The Religion of Ancient Egypt by William Flinders Petrie, Edwards Professor of Egyptology, University College, London (1906):

Isis became attached at a very early time to the Osiris worship; and appears in later myths as the sister and wife of Osiris. ... The union of Horus with the myth, and the establishment of Isis as the mother goddess, was the main mod of her importance in late times. Isis as the nursing mother is seldom shown until the twenty-sixth dynasty; then the type continually became more popular, until it outgrew all other religions of the country. In Roman times the mother Isis not only received the devotion of all Egypt, but her worship spread rapidly abroad, like that of Mithra. It became the popular devotion of Italy; and, after a change of name due to the growth of Christianity, she has continued to receive the adoration of a large part of Europe down to the present day as the Madonna. ...

Horus became identified with the sun-god, and hence came the winged solar disk as the emblem of Horus of Edfu ... the infant Horus with his finger to his lips was the most popular form of all, sometimes alone, sometimes on his mother’s lap. ... From the twenty-sixth dynasty down to late Roman times the infant Horus, or the young boy, was the most prominent subject on the temples, and the commonest figure in the homes of the people ...

Isis and Horus, the Queen of Heaven and the Holy Child, became the popular deities of the later age of Egypt, and their figures far outnumber those of all other gods. Horus in every form of infancy was the loved bambino of the Egyptian women. Again Horus appears carried on the arm of his mother in a form which is indistinguishable from that adopted by Christianity soon after.

We see, then, throughout the Roman world the popular worship of the Queen of Heaven, Mater Dolorosa, Mother of God, patroness of sailors, and her infant son Horus the child, the benefactor of men, who took captive all the powers of evil. And this worship spread and increased in Egypt and elsewhere until the growing power of Christianity compelled a change. The old worship continued; for the Syrian maid became transformed into an entirely different figure, Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, patroness of sailors, occupying the position and attributes already belonging to the world-wide goddess; and the Divine Teacher, the Man of Sorrows, became transformed into the entirely different figure of the Potent Child. Isis and Horus still ruled the affections and worship of Europe with a change of names.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The following is excerpted from Keeping the Kids, which is available from Way of Life Literature:

“... from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures” (2 Timothy 3:15).

One of the most important things that parents can do for their children it to help them develop a habit of daily Bible study. Though I grew up in church, I do not remember any instruction or challenge whatsoever about this.

It is by the Word of God that the young person can cleanse his way in this wicked world (Psalm 119:9). It must get down into the heart and soul and thus permeate the individual’s life, and this will not happen unless reading, study, memorization, and meditation become a daily practice.

We know that reading the Bible alone will not produce salvation and sanctification; it must be received and obeyed. But we also know that salvation and sanctification will not happen apart from the Word of God, because “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).

Sunday, December 26, 2010



Theological Modernism Disproven But Not Dead

Since the nineteenth century, multitudes of people have assumed that the Bible has been discredited by modern science and by the “higher criticism” of theological modernism.

In his biography of Charles Darwin, Jacques Barzun repeats this myth,

“The cosmogony of Genesis was swamped under an avalanche of contrary geological facts” (Darwin, Marx, Wagner, p. 66).

In fact, it was not an avalanche of scientific facts that swamped the Bible; it was an avalanche of myths based upon evolutionary assumptions.

Yet countless people have given up their faith in the Bible because they ASSUMED that it was discredited.

Charles Templeton is an example. He was once the preaching partner of Billy Graham, but he became an atheist after being convinced that science had discredited the Bible. He wrote the following to Graham,

Friday, December 24, 2010


Pada 6 Nopember 2010 penulis diundang untuk membedah buku ‘Alkitab Edisi Studi’ dalam acara Christian Books & Gifts Fair 2010. Pagi itu disusul pembicara lain yang akan membedah buku karya Martin Harun, profesor STF Driyarkara. Sebelum acara dimulai romo Harun minta izin untuk keluar mengantar serombongan umat Katolik yang meminta dibimbing dalam mencari buku-buku. Penulis bertanya-tanya ‘mengapa umat sampai minta bimbingan seorang romo?

Ternyata tidak terlalu lama setelah mulai, romo Harun dan rombongan tadi sudah kembali mengikuti bedah buku. Ini dapat dimaklumi bahwa menghadapi begitu banyak buku sekalipun dijual oleh toko-toko buku berlabel ‘Kristen’ oleh lebih dari 20 penerbit itu, memang seseorang tidak bisa harus memilih diantara spektrum buku yang begitu luas antara yang meneguhkan iman Alkitabiah dan yang memutar-balik ayat-ayat Alkitab sampai yang menebar keragu-raguan.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Di bawah ini adalah rangkaian foto-foto Suami Teladan
Suami Teladan

Suami Teladan

Suami Teladan

Monday, December 20, 2010

Staking Eternity on a Wispy Hypothesis

In 1922, William Jennings Bryan warned,

“It is no light matter to impeach the veracity of the Scriptures in order to accept, not a truth--not even a theory--but a mere hypothesis” (In His Image, 1922, p. 94).

Bryan was right, and nearly a century later, evolution remains “a mere hypothesis.”

The outcome of a murder trial requires evidence “beyond a reasonable doubt,” because so much is at stake, and we should require no less on the issue of creation vs. evolution, which potentially has eternal consequences.

The Bible claims to be the revelation of God to man. It claims to reveal God, man’s beginning and fall, the way of salvation, and the future. If the Bible is true, there is a heaven and a hell, man will live forever in one place or another, and salvation is only through personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


One of the most widely used icons of evolution is Lucy, the name given to a fossilized ape of the australopithecine class that is supposed to be millions of years old and is alleged to be a missing link between apes and man.

The actual fossils were shown at the Lucy Legacy exhibit in Seattle, which I visited in March 2009. They announced this as “the key piece in evolution’s puzzle.” What they did not say is that the supposed indisputable evidence that this fossil is “proto-human” is non-existent.

Lucy was a tiny creature standing about 43 inches high. The skeleton itself is less than 40% complete and is entirely missing the foot bones, though other bones representing Australopithecus exist.

The bones were found in 1974 in northern Ethiopia by Donald Johanson and his colleagues. The first bone discovered was a knee joint, which Johanson first considered to be that of a monkey, but upon further consideration announced that it was that of a hominid. “He thereupon declared on the spot that he had discovered a three million year old human ancestor” (Gish, Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No, p. 241).

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Church Fathers: A Door to Rome

Republished October 19, 2010 (first published June 4, 2008) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,

Many people have walked into the Roman Catholic Church through the broad door of the “church fathers,” and this is a loud warning today when there is a widespread attraction to the “church fathers” within evangelicalism.

The Catholic apologetic ministries use the “church fathers” to prove that Rome’s doctrines go back to the earliest centuries. In the book Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic, David Currie continually uses the church fathers to support his position. He says, “The other group of authors whom Evangelicals should read ... is the early Fathers of the Church” (p. 4).

The contemplative prayer movement is built on this same weak foundation. The late Robert Webber, a Wheaton College professor who was one of the chief proponents of this back to the “church fathers” movement, said:

“The early Fathers can bring us back to what is common and help us get behind our various traditions ... Here is where our unity lies. ... evangelicals need to go beyond talk about the unity of the church to experience it through an attitude of acceptance of the whole church and an entrance into dialogue with the Orthodox, Catholic, and other Protestant bodies” (Ancient-Future Faith, 1999, p. 89).

Thursday, December 16, 2010


In the article “In Essentials Unity,” December 7, 2010, I made the following statement:

“Dever’s church, Capitol Hill Baptist in Washington, D.C., is also a member of the liberal American Baptist Church, which is affiliated with the horribly apostate National Council of Churches and World Council of Churches.”

I have been challenged on this, as the Capitol Hill Baptist Church’s web site only lists its affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention.

While Capitol Hill Baptist Church is not a member of the American Baptist Church directly, it is definitely partnered with the ABC, as well as the very liberal Baptist World Alliance and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, by dint of its membership in the District of Columbia Baptist Convention.

For documentation of this see under “DCBC Directory of Churches” and “Partner Organizations.”

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


November 4, 2010 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

Many New Testament prophecies describe a turning away from the New Testament faith and the creation of false churches that follow man-made tradition and heresies instead of the pure doctrine of God’s Word. This is called apostasy, and the Bible says it will increase as the time of Christ’s return draws nearer. See, for example, Matthew 7:15-22; 1 Timothy 4:1-6; 2 Timothy 3:1, 5, 12-13; 4:3-4; 2 Peter 2:1-2; 2 John 7-11; Jude 3-4.

On a trip to Israel in April of this year, we saw the fulfillment of these prophecies throughout Israel.

Practically every important geographical site is owned by some apostate church that enriches itself by this means. There is the Church of the Nativity with its Chapel of the Milk Grotto; the Church of St. Peter at Capernaum; the Basilica of the Annunciation at Nazareth; the Church of the Beatitudes on the Sea of Galilee; the Church of the Loaves and Fishes at Tabgha; the Church of the Miracle at Cana; Elisha’s Church at Jericho; St. Peter’s Church at Jaffa; and the Church of John the Baptist in Samaria, to mention a few.

Kisah Alkitab KJV

The Story of the King James Bible

Alexander Scourby | Myspace Video

Monday, December 13, 2010

Berita Bulanan November 2010

Setelah 25 tahun sebagai pemimpin nyanyi (worship leader) di Gereja Hillsong, Darlene Zschech dan suaminya kini mengambil posisi sebagai sesama gembala di Church Unlimited, yang tadinya adalah Sidang Jemaat Allah. Zschech akan meneruskan keterlibatannya dengan proyek musik Hillsong. Salah satu tema mereka adalah pentingnya kesatuan ekumenikal. Dia mengatakan: “Ada suara baru dan lagu baru yang diserukan di seluruh bumi. Itu adalah suara sebuah gereja yang bersatu, yang berkumpul bersama, dalam satu suara untuk membesarkan Tuhan kita yang luar biasa” (dari halaman depan album “You Shine”). Pernyataan ini mengabaikan banyak peringatan Perjanjian Baru bahwa akhir masa gereja akan ditandai oleh kesesatan dan kebingungan rohani, bukan kesetiaan kepada kebenaran (mis. Mat. 24:3-4, 11, 24; 1 Tim. 4:1-5; 2 Tim. 3:13; 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:1; Yud. 3-4). Zschech dan Hillsong memainkan peran dalam Roman Catholic World Youth Day di Sidney pada tanggal 18 Juli 2008. Paus Benedict XVI hadir dan melaksanakan misa masal pada hari terakhir extravaganza tersebut. Ini adalah hari-hari penipuan dan kesesatan rohani yang besar, dan gerakan kharismatik berada di tengah-tengah kesesatan tersebut. Visi-visi mereka palsu; doktrinnya korup; praktek mereka membingungkan; dan musiknya duniawi. Gerakan kharismatik adalah salah satu unsur lem dalam gerakan ekumenikal. Ia menyatukan Roma Katolik, Protestan, Baptis, dan Pantekosta dalam suatu persatuan tidak kudus yang mencampuradukkan kebenaran dan kesalahan. Gereja-gereja yang alkitabiah yang menggunakan musik “contemporary praise“-nya kharismatik akan mendapatkan bahwa musik ini membawa suatu filosofi yang akan segera mengubah karakter dari gereja. Kita perlu menyembah Tuhan Allah dalam roh dan kebenaran terus menerus, tetapi kita tidak memerlukan gerakan penyembahan kontemporer yang tidak alkitabiah sebagai pembimbing.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tujuh Pokok Jemaat Harus Mengerti tentang Akhir Zaman

1. Akhir Zaman bukan Kiamat

Akhir Zaman bukanlah kiamat bagi kita. Tetapi akhir dari tatanan sistem duniawi. Banyak orang mengatakan itu sebagai berakhirnya dunia, itu benar dalam arti segala sesuatu yang duniawi akan segera berakhir. Tetapi bukan berarti bumi ini akan hancur seluruhnya.

2. Tujuh Tahun Yang Menentukan

Ada banyak hal akan terjadi pada tujuh tahun terakhir. Banyak perubahan-perubahan besar dan bencana-bencana akan terjadi di bumi ini, Kefasikan dan kejahatan manusia akan mencapai titik puncaknya (2Tim3:1-9). Orang jahat akan semakin jahat, orang yang cemar akan semakin cemar. Tetapi orang benar akan semakin benar, orang kudus akan semakin menguduskan diri mereka (Wah 22:11).

Thursday, December 09, 2010


Updated March 16, 2010 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service)

In the book Money for Nothing: One Man’s Journey through the Dark Side of Lottery Millions, Edward Ugle says the “broke or financially troubled lottery winners are the rule.”

In fact, the consequences of winning the lottery are often more frightful than mere financial trouble.

Evelyn Adams, who won the New Jersey lottery in 1985 and 1986 for a total of $5.4 million, gambled and gave away all her winnings and by 2001 was poor and living in a trailer.

Teresa Brunnings, who won $1.3 million in a lottery in 1985, says that she had a party then, but, “Of all the people who came, not one speaks to me now.”

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Makam Nabi Yehezkiel Masuk Warisan Dunia

Kifl, sebuah kota kecil yang dinaungi oleh pohon korma dan berada di tepi Sungai Efrat, telah dihormati sebagai tempat suci oleh orang Yahudi dan Islam selama berabad-abad. Kota ini dulunya merupakan bagian dari kerajaan Babilonia, yang bertahan selama ribuan tahun dari peperangan dan bencana alam.

Kifl sangat terkenal karena di kota ini terdapat makam nabi Yehezkiel yang bagi kaum muslim disebut nabi Zulkifli. Makam ini dikabarkan sedang dalam proses pemugaran. Namun akhirnya proses pemugaran ini pun terkendala.

Proses pemugaran makam Nabi Yehezkiel dimulai tahun lalu oleh Badan Kepurbakalaan Irak, dipimpin oleh Qais Hussein Rashid. Rashid memimpin pemugaran pusat sejarah di kota itu, termasuk makam Nabi Yehezkiel, sinagoge-sinagoge yang ada di sekitar makam itu, sebuah menara masjid dari abad ke-14, serta sebuah pusat perbelanjaan di zaman Ottoman yang diperkirakan berasal dari tahun 1800-an.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Natal Kristus

Harus diakui bahwa, umat Kristen pada abad pertama tidak merayakan Natal seperti layaknya umat Kristen sekarang. Bagi mereka lebih penting merayakan hari kematian dan kebangkitan Kristus yang dikenal dengan Paskah, dan tidak menghiraukan hari kelahiran-Nya. Namun yang pasti tidak salah merayakan Natal, dan tidak salah juga jika tidak merayakannya. Sebab tidak ada perintah dalam Alkitab untuk merayakan Natal, dan tidak ada larangan untuk merayakan Natal. Asalkan perayaan natal dijadikan momentum untuk menyatakan rasa syukur karena Bapa telah mengirimkan AnakNya yang tunggal lahir dan mati untuk menanggung hukuman dosa kita, sekaligus kesempatan ini dijadikan ajang untuk membagikan berita injil kepada orang lain. Yang harus selalu kita ingat dan hayati setiap kali kita merayakan natal adalah karena dosa kitalah Yesus Kristus lahir ke dunia (Mat. 1:21).

Friday, December 03, 2010


Jesus Seminar dimulai tahun 1985 dan berlangsung dalam lingkungan terbatas, namun karena simpulannya yang kontroversial banyak diliput media massa baik TV, majalah, maupun surat kabar, Jesus Seminar menjadi dikenal umum dalam waktu singkat.

Jesus Seminar diselenggarakan atas sponsor Westar Institute di Amerika untuk menggugat Yesus Sejarah, tepatnya dimaksudkan untuk mencari “ucapan dan perbuatan Yesus yang autentik”. JS diketuai pendirinya Robert W. Funk, profesor Montana University dan pendiri lainnya John Dominic Crossan, rahib Katolik Roma Irlandia yang terpaksa melepaskan kerahibannya karena pandangannya yang kontroversial atas Alkitab, dan kemudian mengajar di De Paul University, Chicago.

Laporan lengkap mengenai hasil penelitian telah dibukukan dalam dua buah buku, a.l. The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus, The Five Gospels, What Did Jesus Really Say? (1993, buku ini memuat terjemahan karya gnostik Injil Thomas sebagai injil kelima), dan disusul The Acts of Jesus: What Did Jesus Really Do? (1998). Pada bagian depan buku pertama, sebenarnya arah dari napas seminar sudah dapat dilihat.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Republished June 30, 2010 (first published by the FBIS in January 12, 1997) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information -

[Note from Brother Cloud: The following is by the late Pastor David Nettleton and was published in the 1960s by the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC). The GARBC once practiced biblical separation and gave clear warnings against New Evangelical compromise, and they published many helpful materials such as the following. Sadly, this is no longer true, and many good churches and pastors have left the GARBC in recent decades because of its slide away from Scriptural separation.]

"Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." Acts 20:26-27